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Interesting Tidbits

You have questions!  I have some answsers!


Why did I start a business for basic grooming needs and not just for the full grooming shebang?

I believe strongly in the need for in-between grooming maintenance for the wellbeing of our furry friends. A good nail trim given at a continuous regular interval creates a solid foundation for the physical health of your family member. Long nails can create unnecessary foot pain which can bring on arthritis and joint issues faster than already possible. Furry feet can cause your little friend to have more slip and fall accidents because the hair is in the way of the pad getting traction on the ground. The extra worry and difficulties these may bring to your life are negated by having these things done in between grooms. Easier access to these services in the pet’s home environment will make the whole grooming experience better for the pets, and more likely for their family also.


Will a monthly blow-out get rid of the shedding on my dog?

Of course not. But it will limit the amount of hair that spreads all over your house and your clothes. It will help make your dogs’ skin breathe a bit better because air flow can actually get through the coat and onto their skin. This will give your dog better internal temperature control because of the frequently groomed coat as well. A thick coat will retain water and possibly cause hot spots, as well as help cause your dog to overheat in warm weather.


I would like to point out that monthly blow-outs/brushing will not replace the need for regular 8-12 week professional bathing for your dog. This will just help the coat stay in a relatively decent shape in-between to prevent difficulties for your dog.


What can I do about matting?

Mats start out from friction or excess undercoat not being taken care of. They start small and will only continue to grow. The bigger they get, the more painful it will be for your animal. Shaving underneath the mat is sometimes the only safe way to get rid of them. Cats and rabbits, particularly, have a tissue paper-like skin and any small nick could grow into something much bigger. A regularly maintained coat will limit the amount of mats produced over time.



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 Do you prefer nail trimming or nail grinding

Every pet handles things differently. Most cats and bunnies would never tolerate nail grinding so clipping is automatically the only option. Dogs have the possibility to hand one or the other, or both. I made the package nail clipping/grinding to leave open the possibility of doing what your individual animal needs. It does not mean I will always be doing both. It means it depends on your pet. My goal is to get the nails as short and smooth as possible, however I will stand by your furry family member’s preferences and needs.


Is it necessary to do ear cleaning/plucking?

Ear cleaning is not always necessary. In fact, there are discussions in the vet medicine field about how often it should be done, if at all. If an owner requests ear cleaning/plucking I will have to physically see the pet before I can guarantee I will be doing the service.

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